Thursday, July 16, 2009


I want to make sure you all have the right idea about this blog: I am an up-and-coming cook; an eishes chayil in the making. At the moment, I cook for shabbos and yom tov and supper a few times a week. As such, I basically only have fleishig mains, parve sides, a few milchige stuff (which I plan to put up for the nine days, but they're few so don't rely on them), and cakes. That's it. I'm not some accomplished I-don't-know-what who is on her way to publishing her own cookbook. I thought that since I wanted to put my favorite recipes on-line so I won't lose them, there was no reason that others shouldn't benefit from it.

Please feel free to contribute your own recipes by emailing me at I'll be glad to add you as a contributer to make this blog better. Just don't expect more from me than I can give.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

didnt get the wrong idea at all! ;-) just thought to suggest- if you had.....nothing more, nothing less... no expectations or reliance at all!
thanks for sharing them!
happy cooking!