This week's parsha food comes from a very way out, corny type of place. The pasuk says in בראשית, ל"ח, כ"ה – "ויותר יעקב לבדו", pronounced "va'yevaser ya'akov l'vado," meaning that Yaakov remained alone. In Hebrew the word בשר(basar), meat, though spelled differently, sounds the same. I know, I know, it's very corny, but it's too close to Shabbos to think of something better.
So, I bring you Peppered meat (otherwise known as Pepper Steak).
The directions for this recipe are somewhat vague, somewhere along the lines of taking as much as you want of each ingredient, putting it together in a pan somehow, and baking it until it's done. I've never actually tried it, but I had it at someone's house while I was in Israel, and it was delicious!
Pepper Steak
Sliced pepper steak
Baby corn
Soy sauce
Garlic powder